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Technical sample: software (Spanish)

PyCycle es un nuevo código de análisis de ciclo termodinámico desarrollado para abordar la limitación que tiene la modelización de la propulsión en las herramientas actuales de análisis del ciclo termodinámico. Esto es debido a que no se adaptan bien a la integración en los modelos a nivel de vehículos, ni a la aplicación de técnicas eficientes de optimización basadas en gradientes que ayuden a contrarrestar el aumento de los costes computacionales y permitir la optimización del diseño de estos nuevos conceptos de vehículos. El software PyCycle ha tenido buenos resultados. Estos resultados muestran que los modelos de pyCycle calculan los datos del ciclo termodinámico con una diferencia del 0,03% respecto a un modelo idéntico de Simulación Numérica de Sistemas de Propulsión (NPSS). PyCycle también proporciona una información más precisa de los gradientes en tres órdenes de magnitud menos de tiempo computacional al utilizar derivadas analíticas. La capacidad de pyCycle para proporcionar de forma precisa y eficiente esta información de derivadas para la optimización basada en gradientes resultó tener un beneficio significativo en el proceso de optimización global con tiempos de pared al menos siete veces más rápidos que el uso de métodos de diferencias finitas en torno a las herramientas existentes.


PyCycle is a new thermodynamic cycle analysis code developed to address the limitation of propulsion modeling in current thermodynamic cycle analysis tools. This is because they are not well suited to integration into vehicle-level models, nor to the application of efficient gradient-based optimization techniques that help counteract the increased computational costs and enable design optimization of these new vehicle concepts. The PyCycle software has performed well. These results show that pyCycle models compute thermodynamic cycle data within 0.03% of an identical Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) model. PyCycle also provides more accurate gradient information in three orders of magnitude less computational time by using analytical derivatives. The ability of pyCycle to accurately and efficiently provide this derivative information for gradient-based optimization proved to have a significant benefit in the overall optimization process with wall times at least seven times faster than using finite difference methods around existing tools.

Technical writing: aerospace engineering (Spanish)

En el apartado de diseño preliminar y dimensionado se detalla el proceso de selección de diversos parámetros preliminares de la planta de potencia de queroseno del proyecto, y se escogen valores acordes a las necesidades documentadas anteriormente y compatibles con el estado del arte actual recogido con anterioridad.

Se consideran primero los parámetros clave del ciclo, así como la tipología de los elementos de la turbina, y a continuación, se plantean cuestiones secundarias que requieren de posterior estudio:


In the preliminary design and sizing section, the selection process of several preliminary parameters of the kerosene power plant of the project is detailed, and values are chosen according to the needs previously documented and compatible with the current state of the art previously collected.

The key parameters of the cycle are considered first, as well as the typology of the turbine elements, and then secondary questions are raised that require further study:

Casual example

This is a comment on the video below:

This is very interesting. Regarding what you said of "tell me what you want me to talk about", I'd appreciate it if you did a video (or on a message anywhere) spoke a bit about numbers. Like going from the first $75 doing some cutting on stolen vids to the agency job, to your first rates, to your current rates now. Always with context in mind, you're in Alabama, you're working with XYZ brands, etc. I've seen a couple of videos like that and they seem to do well, and even though they may attract a different audience (those kinda "hustle" type freelancers you talk about in the video) I think your personality and mindset could set a good example. And I personally would find the topic interesting of course.

I also have another thing I'd like to ask, regarding what your thoughts on this industry are for the future (not only money or growth -but also very much that-, but idk just general vibes, general impressions, art vs "selling out", brands), the distinctions between freelance work and "the creator economy" and its overlaps.

I'm also curious about your experience on many other things, like you working on car commercials and both the stories on how that comes about but also tips that you have while recording them, about how to make a good filming team from scratch, what the "org structure" on one of those looks like depending on how the size of a project changes, and idk other more smaller things

In my personal situation, right now I'm in a crossroads type situation where I really love video and that could be my main obsession, but it's so heavily tilted towards the consumption side that freelancing for that feels far away, and where i'm also in software development where even though I'm relatively early in my career I do have some professional experience to leverage there, and freelancing seems closer in timeframe (and also more lucrative?). So this video was kind of doubly interesting for me in that sense. Just for context, because I'm asking both questions as someone who's "in" (or tryna be) but also as someone who's "out" and could want help from people "within"